To use certain services on this site (such as to make payments), we may require credit or debit card account information. By submitting your credit or debit card account information through our site, to the extent permitted by applicable law, you expressly consent to the sharing of your information with third-party payment processors, and other third-party service providers (including, but not limited to, vendors who provide fraud detection services to us and other third parties), and you further agree to the following terms.

When you use a credit or debit card to buy our products on our site, we share this information with our third-party payment service providers in order to process your payment. These third parties may also store your credit or debit card information, other than your CVV number. For security, no part of your payment information will be stored and must be re-entered for each order.

PAYMENT METHODS : Our online shop enables secure payment via the payment services Payline and Paypal; Payline offers optimal security for online transactions. The data is encrypted and stored on servers that meet the requirements of the strict quality and security standards PCI-DSS.

You can pay on our website by credit card, Visa, Mastercard and Paypal.

PAYPAL : Payment via PayPal is an SSL-secured payment method. After you have set up a PayPal account, you link your debit card or bank account to it once. When you go to the checkout, you will be redirected to the Paypal server. Then simply use your email address and password to make the payment.

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