It began with Jacques Secrétin, then Jean-Philippe Gatien, Simon Gauzy, Hugo Calderano and today Can Akkuzu continues the story, as well as the entire Cornilleau Team.
The high standards and expertise of these competitive players have enabled Cornilleau to develop its products through successive partnerships. As a long-standing partner of the French Table Tennis Federation, Cornilleau provides the tables for all competitions organized by the French Federation. Often, Cornilleau supports its champions from a young age and helps them to progress. Team Cornilleau recently welcomed two upcoming stars of French table tennis, Thibault Poret and Luca Trascu - proof that the tradition continues.
Team Cornilleau is made up of around 15 top-level players, half of whom are women. Stéphanie Loeuillette, Bruna Takahashi and her sister Giulia, Camille and Charlotte Lutz, to name a few, all bear witness to Cornilleau’s values through their performance and attitude.
Cornilleau backs Team France, which regularly makes its mark on the international scene.
More recently, two players embodying the future of table tennis as a parasport in France joined Team Cornilleau: Lucas Didier and Clément Berthier.